English 中文(简体)
原标题:Fluent NHibernate Subclass mapping with foreign key


class Person { Int32 id; String name; /*..*/ Adress adress; }
class Employee : Person { String e_g_Tax; /*..*/ Guid relationshipToManagmentId; }

And the follow premises for mapping:
(a) The "relationshipToManagmentId" should be a foreign key.
(b) The table "RelationshipToManagment" is a non-mapped table, (a old part of application)
(c) The mapping strategie is TPT. (at least for new objects :-)


public class PersonMap : ClassMap<Person> {
  public PersonMap(){
    Id(x => x.id);
    Map (x => x.Nachname).Length(255).Not.Nullable();
    References(x => x.Adresse).Class(typeof(Adresse)).Not.Nullable();
public class EmployeeMap : SubclassMap<Employee>
        public EmployeeMap()
            Map(x => x.e_g_Tax, "enjoytax")
            Join("RelationshipToManagment", xJoin =>
                xJoin.Map(x => x.relationshipToManagmentId)
                    .Not.Nullable() ;
            }); // --> exception!!



join () 只能在主密钥( 财产 id) 上加入另一个表格,但您需要加入外国密钥列。普通引用可做您想要做的事。

class Employee : Person
    Management Management;

public EmployeeMap()
    References(x => x.Management).Column("relationshipToManagmentId");

更新: 如果您需要从 Relations to Managment 表获得只读信息, 您可以使用公式属性

public EmployeeMap()
    Map(x => x.RelationshipToManagment).Formula("(SELECT m.Title FROM RelationshipToManagment m WHERE m.Id = relationshipToManagmentId)");


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