I m an html developer, so I m used to pressing "Save" in Dreamweaver and my users being able to download my changes immediately. So I m so excited about the potential for PhoneGap.
我们加入苹果企业计划, 因为我们可以在网站上公布iPad申请:
https://developmenter.apple.com/programs/ios/centry/gettingstarted/ 说:
“通过您的 iOS 开发者企业程序... 您的用户可以无线安装您的应用程序... 通过安全的网络服务器。”
在Dreamweaver CS6中,PhoneGap 建设服务已经建立了我的“哈罗世界”应用程序,除了iOS选项说需要签名键。
The phonegap site says to Ensure that this provisioning profile is correctly paired with the device(s) you wish to test on.
But I don t want to pair to a particular device(s). I want to publish my Hello World app to my website and have users download my changes immediately.