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How do I fix PhoneGap build errors?

I am trying to build a PhoneGap-based iPhone application, but I keep getting the following two errors:

./build-phonegap.sh: line 6: ./configure: No such file or directory
cp: lib/iphone/phonegap-min.js: No such file or directory

I built and installed the latest version of PhoneGap from the source on GitHub. I have checked to make sure that the PHONEGAPLIB variable is indeed set in XCode.

Where do I get the files listed? Where do I put them (to what are those paths relative)? And why aren t they already there?


It seems the problem was that the project had been created with one version of PhoneGap (one that doesn t reference an external lib directory), but I was trying to run it with a newer one. Recreating the project with my latest version and copying over the www directory fixed the problem.


I am confused. What steps do I take? I just downloaded phonegap. I don t know how to "install" it. Do I have to run some git command or some build command before I can open it in xcode?


Figured it out. I downloaded it. Unzipped it. Went into the phonegap folder. Duplicated the iphone folder. Opened xcode and hit build and go. It worked.

Apparently your iphone gap projects need to be a subfolder of the phonegap folder. That can probably be fixed/changed if you know what you re doing.

This video here helped me verify that all you need to do is download, unzip and open. The files inside your www do work by default.


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