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原标题:invalid consumer freelancer API

i 正在将自由职业者 API 整合到一个 iOS 应用程序中, 在认证过程中( 获取请求Token), 我发现以下错误 :

<errors xmlns="http://api.freelancer.com/schemas/xml-0.1">
    <msg>General Token Authentication Error</msg>
    <longmsg>Authentication Failed. Reason: invalid consumer</longmsg>

. I am appending the query params needed for oauth request within the request URL . The url is http://api.sandbox.freelancer.com/RequestRequestToken/requestRequestToken.json?oauth_callback= oob &oauth_consumer_key= * &oauth_signature_method= HMAC-SHA1 &oauth_signature= V58tFJMmk2%252FI6kcZl1m%252BaA%252FK7Bw%253D &oauth_timestamp= 1337768929 &oauth_nonce= EE982DEB-B6D0-47DD-9193-6CCA3F25446E &oauth_version= 1.0 . Any help would be appreciated .

谢谢 谢谢


我建议你看看一些Oauth图书馆 来做认证

For one maybe you can take alook at http://code.google.com/p/oauth/


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