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谷歌 App 引擎访问 Win32 dll 吗?
原标题:Access Win32 dll on Google App Engine?


我在一家大公司的一个小团队里工作,我目前正在对每年更新的一套混合.Net和Win32产品的许可证制度进行改造。每种产品都引用了 Win32.dll 来验证产品。我只有许可证模块的二进制文件和头文件(因此没有散列算法 ) 。 不知怎的,客户可以在我们的网站上购买软件,并在邮件中收到一个带序列键的磁盘。密钥或产品专用磁盘和钥匙可以很容易地共享。

<强 > GOALS:

  • Modify the hash input so keys are now based on major version number (done).
  • Implement a web service using App Engine (it s just me so I don t want to maintain any hardware) whereby a user can purchase a serial that is automatically generated and delivered via email.
  • Use the existing licensing module or replicate the hash/API (I would like whoever is sending out serial keys to continue to do so except for maybe a minor change to their work flow, like adding the version number).

" 强 " 问 题: "/强 "

  • Is there any way to write wrap this win32 library in a python module and use it on Google s App Engine?
  • Are there any tools to discover the hashing algorithm being used? The library exports a generatekey function?





不, App 引擎 python 运行时间只支持纯 python 模块。 包装的本地代码模块不会工作 。



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