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Mapkit routes and google license [closed]

This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center.

Closed 7 years ago.

So, this question is not if I can do routing with mapkit. You can t with the API. So I found the clever way of using an annotation to render a route between two points. The route is based on a series of lat/long values. In my app, I use it to render a route (but not for vehicles or walking). There is no list of directions, so it s not turn by turn. Just shows the line on the map.

This may be more legal, but does this violate the license? Is there the possibility that my app could be rejected? This is a very big deal for my app. Has anyone gotten a commercial app out using this method?


You should not be allowed to display a route on top of the map. The terms state clearly that you are not allowed to display route guidance.


10.9 use the Service or Content with any products, systems, or applications for or in connection with:

(a) real time navigation or route guidance, including but not limited to turn-by-turn route guidance that is synchronized to the position of a user s sensor-enabled device;

(b) any systems or functions for automatic or autonomous control of vehicle behavior; or

(c) dispatch, fleet management, business asset tracking, or similar enterprise applications (the Google Maps API can be used to track assets (such as cars, buses or other vehicles) as long as the tracking application is made available to the public without charge. For example, you may offer a free, public Maps API Implementation that displays real-time public transit or other transportation status information.

You may want to look at http://www.cloudmade.com and the route-me library which gives you much more freedom.

What you want to do seems like it is OK, as long as when you are showing routes you do not display the user position. I am basing this on the docs here (linked to from the MKMapView documentation):


that state you cannot:

10.9 use the Service or Content with any products, systems, or applications for or in connection with:

(a) real time navigation or route guidance, including but not limited to turn-by-turn route guidance that is synchronized to the position of a user s sensor-enabled device;
(b) any systems or functions for automatic or autonomous control of vehicle behavior; or
(c) dispatch, fleet management, business asset tracking, or similar enterprise applications (the Google Maps API can be used to track assets (such as cars, buses or other vehicles) as long as the tracking application is made available to the public without charge. For example, you may offer a free, public Maps API Implementation that displays real-time public transit or other transportation status information.

Even that language I feel is a bit fuzzy on if you can show user location or not along with routes, if you do not adjust the map coordinates automatically to follow the user.

Given the inconsistency of the app store approval process, what got through for one person may not get through for somebody else.

I believe the only requirement of the MapKit license (which is from Google and not Apple) is that you do not sell an application that features only a map + additional features built around the map. If the map feature was just a small piece of the application then it s fine, I believe.

I don t think that Apple will enforce this when approving apps, though. Unless you re using undocumented/underground API then you should be fine getting through to the App Store.

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Mapkit routes and google license [closed]

So, this question is not if I can do routing with mapkit. You can t with the API. So I found the clever way of using an annotation to render a route between two points. The route is based on a ...
