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Raphaeljs: 闪光阴影的动画路径
原标题:Raphael js: animating path with it s drop shadow
  • 时间:2012-05-24 19:38:08
  •  标签:
  • svg
  • raphael

我不确定如何从这条路中消失, 以及我为它创造的下沉的阴影:

 var p = "M10,10L810,10L810,190L10,190L10,10";
  var s = "M16,16L816,16L816,196L16,196L16,16";
var paper = Raphael(100, 100, 830, 210);
var shadow = paper.path(s);
shadow.attr({stroke: "none", fill: "#999999", opacity:0.1});

var c = paper.path(p);
c.attr({fill:"#ffffff", stroke:"none"});



将路径和阴影放在一组中。 将动画应用到集中, 它会同时影响两个部分 。

http://jsfidle.net/amadanNM/Y396M/"rel="nofollow"。 这里的这个非常可怕的例子,我同时移动。


Maybe animating the drop shadow path to match the specification of the other path? http://www.irunmywebsite.com/raphael/additionalhelp.php?q=fadingdropshadow

the amadan answer is incorrect. please discard it. If you put elements in a set, the glow will be part of the set but set is logical only. it means that if you animate the set, your shadow animation will look wierd.

use set only to refer to logical zoning for events for instance. best is to animate the shadows in // of the other objects.

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