我想在詹金斯的工作里 做一个预建步骤的贝壳/珀尔, 并且根据一些条件, 我想让它跳过剩下的工作, 但还是能让它成功。有办法这样做吗?
我想在詹金斯的工作里 做一个预建步骤的贝壳/珀尔, 并且根据一些条件, 我想让它跳过剩下的工作, 但还是能让它成功。有办法这样做吗?
我用一个系统Groovy脚本的建设步骤运行,通过 rel=“nofollow”>Groovy插件 运行:
def thr = Thread.currentThread()
def thisBuild = thr?.executable
警告: 有些插件( 最明显的是运行条件插件) 不优雅地处理被中断的构建( 虽然根据我的理解, 它们必须如此), 如果在代码之后运行属于它们的建设步骤, 将会失败 。
I use an ant file to build a java project in mercurial through hudson. The mailnine has a hudson job running just fine. Recently a new branch was created and pushed to the server by commnd line: hg ...
I have a project of persistence with spring and hibernate built with maven, I m running the testing using Junit and a test database HSQLDB, when I do a test first initialize the database HSQLDB in ...
I m running Hudson for my automated builds and love it. I d now like to create automated Web browser tests using either WaTiN (preferred) or Selenium. As my Hudson runs as a Windows service (under ...
I m trying out Hudson to replace our current Buildbot setup. I installed the git plugin. Our current setup is like: ssh://server:/repo/test_framework.git ssh://server:/repo/project_a.git Now, to ...
I ve a server running a proprietary language on which I m able to run "unit tests" in this language. I cannot install a Hudson slave on this machine, but would like to have these tests results ...
I have written a shell script to build my project using hudson. I have put some comments that will be displayed on the console by using echo command. This will help me to debug the scripts if there ...
I m having trouble deploying my Web start to the web server due to permissions problems (reformatted): /home/hudson/.../build/build-web-start.xml:20: Failed to copy /home/hudson/.../dist/app.jnlp to ...
I m trying to use Hudson (which uses SVNKit) to access a Subversion repository that requires a client certificate to access it. I can access the same repository using the same client certificate via ...