I use an ant file to build a java project in mercurial through hudson. The mailnine has a hudson job running just fine. Recently a new branch was created and pushed to the server by commnd line:
hg branch newbranch
hg commit
hg push -f
The mainine does not contain these changes and still builds fine.
I have set up a new job with the same setting as mainline (in fact copied mainline job in hudson), and specified the newbranch.
However, the newbranch job builds code identical to mainline. If I commandline clone the repository and switch to the newbranch everything looks as expected. This seems to be a hudson configuration glitch unless my merqurial skills are off course.
I have also tried to set up the job from sratch with settings identical to mainline with the addition of the newbranch specification without any luck.
What am I missing? Anyone any ideas?