English 中文(简体)
上次出现数字时的切分, 取取取 II 部分
原标题:split on last occurrence of digit, take 2nd part
  • 时间:2012-05-24 05:57:43
  •  标签:
  • regex
  • r

如果我有一个字符串,想要在最后一个数字上分裂, 并保持最后一部分的分割hpw, 我能做到这一点吗?

x <- c("ID", paste0("X", 1:10, state.name[1:10]))


 [1] NA            "Alabama"     "Alaska"      "Arizona"     "Arkansas"   
 [6] "California"  "Colorado"    "Connecticut" "Delaware"    "Florida"    
[11] "Georgia"    


 [1] "ID"          "Alabama"     "Alaska"      "Arizona"     "Arkansas"   
 [6] "California"  "Colorado"    "Connecticut" "Delaware"    "Florida"    
[11] "Georgia"    


unlist(strsplit(x, "[^0-9]*$"))



unlist(lapply(str_split(x, "[0-9]"), tail,n=1))


[1] "ID"          "Alabama"     "Alaska"      "Arizona"     "Arkansas"    "California"  "Colorado"    "Connecticut" "Delaware"   
[10] "Florida"     "Georgia"

我想看看文件stringr < /code>,以便(最有可能)采取更好的办法。


您可以用正则表达式来简单一步完成此步骤 :

gsub("(^.*\d+)(\w*)", "\2", x)


 [1] "ID"          "Alabama"     "Alaska"      "Arizona"     "Arkansas"    "California"  "Colorado"    "Connecticut"
 [9] "Delaware"    "Florida"     "Georgia"  

Regex 做什么 :

  1. "(^.*\d+)(\w*)": Look for two groups of characters.
    • The first group (^.*\d+) looks for any digit followed by at least one number at the start of the string.
    • The second group \w* looks for an alpha-numeric character.
  2. The "\2" as the second argument to gsub() means to replace the original string with the second group that the regex found.


state.pt2 <- unlist(strsplit(x,"^.[0-9]+"))

最好删除字符串开头的匹配生成的 < code> “ s”, 但我无法理解 。

在此使用 substr gregexpr 的另一种方法, 避免对结果进行子集 :


< 坚固> gsubfn

尝试 < a href= > "http://gsubfn.googlecode.com" rel= "no follow" >gsubfn 解决方案 :

> library(gsubfn)
> strapply(x, ".*\d(\w*)|$", ~ if (nchar(z)) z else NA, simplify = TRUE)
 [1] NA            "Alabama"     "Alaska"      "Arizona"     "Arkansas"   
 [6] "California"  "Colorado"    "Connecticut" "Delaware"    "Florida"    
[11] "Georgia"    

它与最后一个位数相匹配, 后面加上字字符, 然后返回单词字符, 或者如果它不匹配的话, 则返回行尾( 以确保它符合某些内容 ) 。 如果第一个匹配成功, 那么返回它; 否则, 后引用将是空的, 所以返回 NA 。

请注意,如果(nchar(z))z z NA ,公式是一种写函数 conference(z)的短手方式,如果(nchar(z))z other NA conference(z)的短手方式,而该函数可以以略多一点的键盘代替公式。

< 强 > gsub

类似的战略也可以使用直线 gsub 来运作,但需要两行和略为复杂的正则表达式。 我们在这里使用第二个替代词来从第一个替代词中解析非模式 :

> s <- gsub(".*\d(\w*)|.*", "\1", x)
> ifelse(nchar(s), s, NA)
 [1] NA            "Alabama"     "Alaska"      "Arizona"     "Arkansas"   
 [6] "California"  "Colorado"    "Connecticut" "Delaware"    "Florida"    
[11] "Georgia"    


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