English 中文(简体)
绑定硬编码值和数据库值, 将其放入一个下调列表
原标题:Binding hardcoded values and databases values into one dropdownlist

I have a drop down list in C# asp.net MVC3 razor engine. I need to load values to that dropdownlist from one of my tables in my database and some values are hard coded. So I need to get both kind of values into one dropdown list.



@Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.MyTransaction.Status, new MultiSelectList(ViewBag.MyStatusId, "ID", "Name"))

我的模型 创建 enums 创建 :

public enum Ntypes{


ViewBag.MyTransaction = db.LeaveTypes.ToList(); //get the table values to drop down

这样我就能分开 硬编码的数值............

ViewBag.MyTansaction = (from NewLeaveTypes t in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Ntypes))
                                select new { ID = t, Name = t.ToString()).ToList();

But cant get both values into one dropdownlist. Plzzzz Help.




var nTypes = Enum
    .Select(t => new LeaveType { ID = t, Name = t.ToString())
ViewBag.MyTransaction = db.LeaveTypes.ToList().Concat(nTypes);


    model => model.MyTransaction.Status, 
    new SelectList(ViewBag.MyTransaction, "ID", "Name")

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