我失去了这个窗口, 然后又用 < a href=" https://stackoverflow.com/ questions/761750/vs2008-immedite-window-lost > > > Ctl+Alt+I 找到它, 但我无法在 VS2010年终期的任何菜单中看到它 。
- Does this mean it s getting phased out?
- If so which tool should I be using to achieve similar results?
- If it isn t one of the default menus and you have to customise an out-of-the-box menu does that inicate it s being phased out?
""https://i.sstatic.net/qFpZU.png" alt="在这里输入图像描述"/ >
""https://i.sstatic.net/0oZ5j.png" alt="此处输入图像描述"/ >