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调用 Delphi 代码中的视觉 C++DLL 函数
原标题:Calling Visual C++ DLL s functions from Delphi code

In a Delphi program I m using a DLL to control an external executable. The DLL is written in Visual C++. In C++ the code to use DLL is:

// defining pointer s type to a function compatible with  launcher  function:
typedef int (WINAPI* PFI_HD_ST_N)(HDC, LPCSTR, int);
HINSTANCE m_hiDLLCTRL;  // handle to DLL instance
PFI_HD_ST_N pfStart;    // pointer to function that starts external program

// initialization
pfStart = NULL;

// links DLL dynamically
m_hiDLLCTRL = LoadLibrary(“ExtProgCTRL.dll”);

// if DLL has been loaded
If (m_hiDLLCTRL)
    // I get the address to funcion that launches ExtProg
    pfStart = ( PFI_HD_ST_N) GetProcAddress( m_hiDLLCTRL, “ExtProgStart” );
// launches external program
If ( pfStart )
    // hWnd is handle to window where I want do draw 
    pfStart -> ( GetDC ( hWnd ), “C:\Programs\ExtProg”, 1 ); 


    DLLHandle: THandle;
    XInt: function: Integer: cdecl;

DLLHandle := LoadLibrary( ExtProgCTRL.dll );
if DLLHandle <> 0 then
    @XInt := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle,   ExtProgStart);
    if @XInt <> nil then
        MessageDlg( Function ExtProgStart loaded ! , mtError, mbOKCancel, 0);

它似乎工作正确, 但我无法找到 Delphi 代码的最后指令, 启动外部程序...

pfStart -> ( GetDC ( hWnd ), “C:\Programs\ExtProg”, 1 );



    DLLHandle: THandle;
    XInt: function(DC: HDC; Text: PAnsiChar; SomeInt: Integer); Integer: cdecl;

retval: Integer;

DLLHandle := LoadLibrary( ExtProgCTRL.dll );
if DLLHandle <> 0 then
    @XInt := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle,   ExtProgStart);
    if @XInt <> nil then
        MessageDlg( Function ExtProgStart loaded ! , mtError, mbOKCancel, 0);
       retval := XInt(GetDC(hWnd),  C:ProgramsExtProg , 1);

but now I have on last instruction : retval := XInt... the following error: DCC Error : ( expected but ) found (parenthesis after hWnd)


您需要声明 >>Xint 像这样 :

XInt: function(DC: HDC; Text: PAnsiChar; SomeInt: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
  1. You need to declare a parameter list that matches the definition in the C++ code.
  2. I don t know meaningful names for the parameters but I m sure you can supply them.
  3. The C++ code specifies the WINAPI calling convention which matches stdcall in Delphi.


retval := XInt(GetDC(hWnd),  C:ProgramsExtProg , 1);


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