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CodeIniter / Gmail SMTP 对 IIS 超时
原标题:CodeIgniter / Gmail SMTP timeout on IIS

我试图发送一个简单的电子邮件 与编码员:

    $email_config = Array(
     protocol  =>  smtp ,
     smtp_host  =>  ssl://smtp.googlemail.com ,
     smtp_port  => 465,
     smtp_user  =>  xxx ,
     smtp_pass  =>  xxx 
    $this->load->library( email , $email_config);
    $this->email->from( [email protected] ,  Admin );
    $this->email->subject( Test Subject );
    $this->email->message( Test Message );  

But it just times out. I have uncommented extension=php_openssl.dll in php.ini, but I m guessing there s some sort of other setup issue. I m running on IIS7.


您是否尝试过检查服务器的外向互联网连接, 以确保一切正常? 另外, 我也会检查防火墙设置 。

它看起来不像CI或PHP问题, 我通过 gmail 发送的配置看起来就像那样,所以你在那里都很好。

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