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SAS/IML 中计算余弦相似性
原标题:Calculate cosine similarity in SAS/IML
  • 时间:2012-05-24 16:14:39
  •  标签:
  • sas

我在SAS IML中有一个矩阵。 对于每对行(比如矢量 A B ),我想计算cosine 相似性 ,



如果我将矢量传递到 Euclid 函数, 我就会得到一个矢量, 因此该函数似乎在矢量的每个元素上单独运行。 事实上, SAS 文件 < a href=" http://support. sas.com/ documentation/ cdl/en/ imlug/64248/ HTML/default/viewer.htm#imlug_lanngref_ sect340. htm" rel=“ nofolpol's :

If you call a Base SAS function with a matrix argument, the function will usually act elementwise on each element of teh [sic] matrix.

这很奇怪,为什么有人想要计算矢量每个元素的汇总统计? 他们总是会返回元素。 是否有办法为矢量获得 Euclidean 规范?


proc iml;
 use fundstr;
 read all var _all_ into wgts;


 do i = 1 to nrows;
  do j = i to nrows;

  tmp = wgts[i,]*wgts[j,]`; /** need to divide by norms each vector **/
  d[i,j] = tmp;
  d[j,i] = tmp;


使用矩阵操作,并将此问题视为(A/ A * (B/ B ) 。

The first step is to divide each row by its Euclidean norm, which is just sqrt(ssq(wgts[i,])). You can use the "sum of squares" subscript reduction operator (##) to compute this for all rows at once without writing a loop: sqrt(wgts[ ,##]); (See http://blogs.sas.com/content/iml/2012/05/23/compute-statistics-for-each-row-by-using-subscript-operators/ for an explanation and examples of subscript reduction operators.)


wgts = ranuni(j(5,5));         
norm = sqrt(wgts[ ,##]); /* Euclidean norm */
A = wgts/norm; 
d = A*A`;
print d;

如果您想将它与使用循环的( 无效的) 解决方案进行比较, 请在此 :

do i = 1 to nrows;
   normi = sqrt(wgts[i,##]);
   do j = i to nrows;
      normj = sqrt(wgts[j,##]);
      tmp = wgts[i,]*wgts[j,]` / (normi * normj);
      d[i,j] = tmp;
      d[j,i] = tmp;
 print d;



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