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Logging SAS scripts
  • 时间:2009-11-11 08:13:20
  •  标签:
  • logging
  • sas

I ve been developing a lot of Java, PHP and Python. All of which offer great logging packages (Log4J, Log or logging respectively). This is a great help when debugging applications. Especially if the app runs headless.

Now, I have a SAS script that is supposed to run as a stored process. But for some reason, the execution seems to run very slow as soon as it runs as stored process. I d like to do some logging, to see what the app is doing. And when it is doing it. So I can pinpoint the code that causes the execution to be slow.

I ve been searching for some logging solution in SAS, but haven t found anything so far. Is there anything I could use? Appending to a text-file would be a good start. But logging to the windows event-log or a remote syslog service would be even better.


There is a function "ntlog" that can write to the Windows event log. It s described on this page.

Another possiblility would be to redirect the log to a file. Example:

%let logPath = d:sas.log;

/* Delete the old log */

data _null_;
    logFile = "mylog";
    rc = filename(logFile,"&logPath");
    if rc = 0 and fexist(logFile) then
       rc = fdelete(logFile);
    rc = filename(logFile);

option nonotes nosource;

/* Redirect log to file */

proc printto log = "&logPath";

%put >> File logging started <<;

%put ERROR: An error occured (macro);
%put WARNING: A warning occured (macro);

data _null_;
  put "ERROR: An error occured inside my data step";

%put >> File logging ended <<;

/* Turn standard logging on again */

proc printto; 

option notes source;

%put NOTE: Back to session log;

A quick search on support.sas.com gave me this link.

Usage Note 34114: Creating a detailed SAS® Stored Process Server log by default


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