这个项目即将完成, 运作完美, 但现在我对游戏环管理有些怀疑。
I scheduled the enemies appearing from the right giving the scheduler a interval, and it s ok, but i managed the movement of enemies from right to left with a simple ccMoveTo action, and i repeat: it works perfectly. The problem is that i read something about "render the sprites in every frame" delegating this operation to a scheduled method that runs one time per frame..
更好的是:我读到不要用动作来移动图案, 而是用框架重塑图案框, 模拟以1/60频率(fps频率)的预定方法(fps频率)的移动, 我读到,
- is that the right way to proceed?
- is that an old "design pattern" that is obsolete with Cocos2D? (and this would mean that using the ccMoveTo actions is completely perfect)
- or are both implementations correct at the same level?
- 动画也应该用同样的技术吗?