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如何用图表 Api ajax 调用 # facebook 评论 # facebook Comment
原标题:How to get # facebook comments using graph api ajax call
var url =  https://graph.facebook.com/?ids=http://www.stackoverflow.com ;

$.getJSON(url, function(resp) {
  $("p").html( comments =   + resp.comments);

这将在我的 中设置以下 html : comments = 未定义的


   "http://www.thinlinebetween.com/tuesday-quote-of-the-day-jean-ingelow/": {
      "id": "http://www.thinlinebetween.com/tuesday-quote-of-the-day-jean-ingelow/",
      "shares": 2,
      "comments": 1

http://www.thinline between.com/tuesday-quote-of-day-jean-ingelow/.comments 来获得价值?返回的json不容易解析。谢谢!

var postUrl =  http://www.stackoverflow.com ;
var apiUrl =  https://graph.facebook.com/?ids=  + postUrl;

$.getJSON(apiUrl, function(resp) {
  $("p").html( comments =   + resp[postUrl].comments);

需要做 resp["http://www.stackoverflow.com"].com/comments


        var webUrl =  http://www.stackoverflow.com ;
        var endpoint =  https://graph.facebook.com ;
        $.getJSON(endpoint,{ ids :webUrl},function(response){
            var comments = response[webUrl].comments;
              $("p").html( comments =   + comments);

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