English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to handle two database insertions fom a single form in spring/ hibernate?



public class UserData {
private Integer userID;
private String userName;
private String userPassword;
//getters and setters..



public class PermissionsData {
private Integer permissionID;
private Integer userID;
private Integer moduleID;
private boolean permissionIsReadOnly;
private boolean permissionIsModify;
private boolean permissionIsFull;
//getters and setters

AMD 模块类如,


public class ModuleData {
private Integer modId;
private String modName;

我的数据库中有一些模块。 当我创建新用户时, 我列出这些模块并添加了复选框来设置权限。 在提交表单时, 我需要将用户数据插入到用户表格中, 并将每个模块的用户权限插入到权限表格中 。

现在我只把角色插入到数据库... 我的控制器就像...

@RequestMapping(value = "/addRole")
    public ModelAndView addNewRole()
        ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("addNewRole");
        RoleData role = new RoleData();
        mav.getModelMap().put("roleDataObj", role);

        List<ModuleData> moduleList = moduleService.getAllModules();
        mav.getModelMap().addAttribute("ModuleList", moduleList);
        return mav;

How can i achieve to add data to two tables on one submit?? i would also like to know about the mapping betwewen modules and permission I am really new to this spring and hibernate. So plz guide me with sample codes.. Thanks in advance.



private List<Permission> permissions;


public void saveNewUser(...)
    User user = new User();
    // fill properties
    Permission p = new Permission();
    // fill properties


更新: 上面的代码可以使用类结构。 重要部分是每个用户每个模式的许可的收集/ 映射 。

public class Permission {
    private boolean IsReadOnly;
    private boolean IsModify;
    private boolean IsFull;

public class Module {
    private Integer id;
    private String name;

public class User {
    private Integer id;
    private String name;
    private String password;
    private Map<Module, Permission> permissions;


<class name="User">
  <map name="permissions" cascade="all">
    <key column="UserId"/>
    <index-many-to-many column="ModuleId" class="Module"/>
    <composite-element class="Permission">
      <property name="IsReadOnly"/>
      <property name="IsModify"/>
      <property name="IsFull"/>

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