So i have a set of four points in 3D Space.
P1 [0, 0, 0]
P2 [128, 0, 0]
P3 [0, 128, 0]
P4 [128, 128, 0]
Which I m then projecting orthographically to the screen effectively giving me two wireframe triangles in screen space.
I now want to map a texture to this "plane" comprised of the two triangles. So i take my square texture, and using u,v coordinates I can map the texture into these two triangles.
The problem comes when I try to add a z component to the verticies. The resulting triangles in screen space are now somewhat distorted but the texture mapping is completely off.
It seems to me though that since it s just three points, they still form an affine rectangle of some sort and we can represent that rectangle as a matrix in the form:
[a b 0] [c d 0] [tx ty 1]
Can anyone give me some tips, ideas about how to convert three 2D points in screen space into a matrix in the above form?
All the tutorials etc that I ve looked up explain a loose theory of texture mapping, and then let OpenGl/DirectX native functions do the actual mapping.
I m looking for more of a direct approach where given three points, i can map a texure to that triangle using an affine matrix. (Not doing a scanline rendering approach)