We have a search form where the filter is bound to a property on a managed bean (session scope). It s not component binding, its property binding like <h:inputText value="#{searchBean.filter}"/>....
理论上, 您可以在 JavaScript 中使用 < a href=" https://www.google.com/ search? q=html 5% 20client% 20side% 20storage" rel= “ no follow” >HTML5 客户端存储 。 到目前为止, 目前还没有能透明地完成这项工作的 JSF 组件存在 。 您需要撰写所有必需的 JS 代码自己或抓抓抓 < a href=" https://www.google.com/search?q=jquery%20html5% 20client% 20side%20side%20storage" rel=“ nofolpolt" >jQuary a> 。
JSF 是一个 HTML 代码生成器, 唯一能为您做的是将 Java 对象以 JSON 格式打印为 JavaScript 变量任务, 由 JSON 库帮助, 例如 < a href=" http://code.google.com/ p/google- gson/ " rel= "nofollow" > Google Gson 。
<h:outputScript>var data = #{bean.dataAsJSON};</h:outputScript>
getDataAsJSON ()
应该只返回一个已经转换的 JSON 字符串 。
We have a search form where the filter is bound to a property on a managed bean (session scope). It s not component binding, its property binding like <h:inputText value="#{searchBean.filter}"/>....
I m having trouble with a JSF selectManyCheckbox and A4J support. The purpose is to run some action when a checkbox is selected. This works perfectly in Firefox. Yet, when testing in any IE (ie6 / ie7 ...
Can anyone teach me how to use mojarra to encode my JSF files. I downloaded mojarra and expected some kind of jar but what i had downloaded was a folder of files i don t know what to do with
在共同基金中,如果用户要求终止,就需要采取一些行动。 我需要某种拦截器,但我不知道如何这样做。 我需要帮助。 增 编
Is there any way of just getting the content of the browsed file without any upload/file transfer operations? I currently use ICEFaces inputFile component but I do not need the default uploading ...
I have two JSPs where I am displaying some info from database in a h:dataTable. One of them is showing all the info, and one of them user specifically. I have showXML.jsp that shows the "XML" column ...
The problem is, that after displaying the ResultSet with <h:dataTable>, the connection is left open. If I close it, it closes the ResultSet too. I m thinking about copying the ResultSet data ...
How do I submit only part of a page in ADF Faces?