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与Ninpit 结合测试
原标题:Integration test with Ninject

我很熟悉这个事实, 我不该在单位测试中使用依赖注射, 这样我就可以单独测试每一层。

不过,我想为我的控制器建立整合测试。 因此,我需要从一个单位测试中将我的储存库输入到控制器中。


由于使用此 T4 脚本, 我无法手动将存储器输入控制器。 我需要使用依赖注射 。

根据我以前的经验,这应该有用, 但我一直得到错误:

Unable to get default constructor for class <<UnitTest>>


public class TestControllersHomeController
    private EL.NET.Web.Controllers.HomeController c;
    public TestControllersHomeController(Project.Controllers.HomeController c)
        this.c = c;
    public void ClassInitialize()

        var kernel = NinjectWebCommon.CreatePublicKernel();
    public void TestIndex()
        var result = c.Index();

编辑 :

I already found out, that the repositories can be loaded with help of the GetService() method of IKernel. But for the Membership provider, this doesn t work. Again, I do not want to mock the provider, I want to perform an integration test so I know if my Controller methods throw any exceptions.


单位测试必须有一个默认构建器 :

public class TestControllersHomeController
    private HomeController _sut;

    public void MyTestInitialize() 
        var kernel = NinjectWebCommon.CreatePublicKernel();
        _sut = kernel.Resolve<HomeController>();

    public void TestIndex()
        var result = _sut.Index();


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