English 中文(简体)
原标题:RabbitMQ and message priority
  • 时间:2012-05-24 20:50:52
  •  标签:
  • rabbitmq

RabbitMQ 是否有信息优先的概念? 我有一个问题,一些更重要的信息由于在队列中排在队列前的重要信息不那么重要而正在减慢。 我希望高度优先的信息优先优先, 并移到队列前方 。

我知道我可以用两个队列来比较, 一个“快”队列和一个“慢”队列, 但是这看起来像一个黑客。

有谁知道用兔子兔号 更好的解决办法吗?


这个问题的答案是过时的。正如RabbitMQ 3. 5.0一样,现在对AMQP标准的人均邮件优先事项提供了核心支持。文件有所有详细信息,但简而言之:

  • You need to define the queue s priority range at the time the queue is created;
  • Messages without a priority set get a priority of 0;
  • Messages with a numeric priority higher than the maximum set on the queue get the highest priority the queue supports.

更有意思的警告在医生的书里 很值得阅读



我建议实施一组队列, 以满足您特别的信息需求, 并让这些队列模式成为您的优先排序需求, 例如称它们为 MyQuueP1、 MyQuueP2 等, 然后让我们的消费者在 P2 (etc) 之前检查 P1, 并从 P2 (etc) 和 P2 (etc) 处查询服务信息 。

如果您有高优先级信息, 请通过合适的路由键和voila, 将其发布到合适的优先排队 。

[update] Check this question: In a FIFO Qeueing system, what s the best way the to implement priority messaging

[update] As per recent RabbitMQ release 3.5.0 this answer is now outdated and should be considered valid for only versions prior to this release. https://stackoverflow.com/a/29068288/489888

IRC RabbitMQ 仍然使用AMQP 协议版本0.9.1 (请查看 http://www.amqp.org/creditation/0-9-1/amqp-org-download>here )。

Messages may have a priority level. A high priority message is sent ahead of lower     priority messages
waiting in the same message queue. When messages must be discarded in order to maintain a specific
service quality level the server will first discard low-priority messages.


Note that in the presence of multiple readers from a queue, or client transactions, or use of priority fields,
or use of message selectors, or implementation-specific delivery optimisations the queue MAY NOT
exhibit true FIFO characteristics.

标本上说优先是必须的 所以我猜兔子Q应该执行它 但你可能想查阅它的文件

是的, RabbitMQ 支持优先队列 。

要将队列工作作为优先队列,请在宣布队列时提供属性 x-max-rime

属性 x-max-max-riority 定义了队列支持的最大优先号 。


Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<>();
props.put("x-max-priority", 10); // max priority number as 10
channel.queueDeclare(QUEUE_NAME, durable, false, false, props);


String message = "My message with priority 7";
AMQP.BasicProperties.Builder basicProps = new AMQP.BasicProperties.Builder();
channel.basicPublish("", QUEUE_NAME, basicProps.build(), message.getBytes());

以下是一个 C# 代码样本, 用于定义包含一系列优先级的队列 :

using RabbitMQ.Client;
public void Setup()
    ConnectionFactory factory = new() { host = "", username = "", password = "" };
    var connection = factory.CreateConnection();
    var model = connection.CreateModel();
    var args = new Dictionary<string, object>
        { "x-min-priority", 0 },
        { "x-max-priority", 9 }
    model.QueueDeclare("Queue1", arguments: args);

在此设定一条发送消息优先的函数 :

private static void Send(IModel model, string queue, string message, byte priority)
    var body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message);

    var basicProperties = model.CreateBasicProperties();
    basicProperties.Priority = priority;

    model.BasicPublish(exchange: "",
                       routingKey: queue,
                       basicProperties: basicProperties,
                       body: body);



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