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what the default max length of rabbit queue

For any given queue, the maximum length (of either type) can be defined using a policy (this option is highly recommended) or by clients using the queue s optional arguments. In the case where both the effective queue policy and arguments specify a maximum length, the minimum of the two values will be used. Queue length settings also can be enforced by operator policies.


As we can see, the rabbitmq document has told us how to set the max-length of queues. But I d like to know what the default value of max-length is if we not do any changes. is it no limit until my server s resources not available?


The default maximum length of a RabbitMQ queue is unlimited, yes it has no limit until the server s resources are consumed.

If we set up length ourselves using x-max-length or using management-console, then we have to carefully consider the need of the application if queue is frequently reaching maximum length the oldest messages will be dopped

what the default max length of rabbit queue

For any given queue, the maximum length (of either type) can be defined using a policy (this option is highly recommended) or by clients using the queue s optional arguments. In the case where both ...

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