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asp.net 图表序列符号点标签字体格式
原标题:asp.net chart series point label font formats

I am currently formatting my chart series point series with the code shown below but I don t see any way to change the font for the point label text. Does anyone know where to access the font attributes for the point labels?

 set the series point color dependent on value and retrieve the best & worst values
    Dim bestval As Double = 0.0
    Dim worstval As Double = 0.0
    For Each pt As DataPoint In cht.Series("MonthPL").Points
         pt.IsValueShownAsLabel = True
        pt.Label = "#VALY{C0}"
        pt.LabelToolTip = "#AXISLABEL  s P/L is #VALY{C0}"
        If pt.YValues(0) < 0 Then
            If pt.YValues(0) < worstval Then worstval = pt.YValues(0)
            pt.Color = Color.Red
            pt.LabelForeColor = Color.Black
            If pt.YValues(0) > bestval Then bestval = pt.YValues(0)
            pt.Color = Color.DarkGreen
            pt.LabelForeColor = Color.GhostWhite
        End If





声明新字体, 使用如下字体 :

Font myFont = new Font(FontFamily.Generic.SansSerif, 14, FontStyle.Bold);

然后设置您数据点的字体属性 :

pt.font = myFont;

在序列标签中添加 Font= "苏黎世 BT, 11pt, 样式=粗体"

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