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Emacs lisp; 如何从任何类型的变量中创建字符串?
原标题:Emacs lisp; how to make a string from a variable of any type?
  • 时间:2012-05-25 13:56:10
  •  标签:
  • elisp

错误调用函数显示的错误消息, 例如 :

(message (file-attributes "."))


"eval: Wrong type argument: stringp, ("/home14/tjones" 1 0 0 (20415 35598) (20211 19255) (20211 19255) 14 "lrwxrwxrwx" t ...)"


(message (thing-to-string (file-attributes ".")))


("/home14/tjones" 1 0 0 (20415 35598) (20211 19255) (20211 19255) 14 "lrwxrwxrwx" t ...)

仅用于调试/ 信息 。 我假设有一条方法, 信息正在做, 但是这是否暴露给我们的用户?


查看 prin1-to-string 及相关功能 ( prin1 , , princ , 等) 并尝试手册! > > http://www.gnu.org/ software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Output-Functions.html


message 的第一个参数应该是一个格式字符串(与您传递到 format 函数的字符串相同。如果您给它“%s”格式(或“%S”与 https://stackoverflow.com/a/10766741/35881) > Stefan s 答案。 ),它将会将您给它的任何字符串字符串作为下一个参数 。

首都 S 版本将排除字符串中的字符, 以便重读为表达式。 在这种情况下, 我认为这就是你想要的。 因此, 您不需要更改您的代码来获取您想要的 :

(message "%S" (file-attributes "."))

In your example, message did not do anything (it just refused to run), so the translation to string was done by the read-eval-print loop which caught the error and turned it into a text message. But yes, message can also do that, and it does that by calling format, which internally uses things like prin1-to-string. So (format "%S" <foo>) would do your thing-to-string.

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