English 中文(简体)
如何将值添加到列表 <valuepair> 对象
原标题:How to add Values to list<valuepair> object
  • 时间:2012-05-25 13:55:58
  •  标签:
  • c#
  • asp.net

我有 List< ValuePair> 对象: listuserRoleValuePair 。 我必须添加 ixUser name , 以作为我每个圆环列表中的数值对。 我如何才能添加这个?

List<ValuePair> listUserRoleValuePair = new List<ValuePair>();
var ixUserList= _mapper1.FindUserRoleLike(sName);
User result = null;

foreach (var ixUser in ixUserList)
    result = new UserMapper(connection).FindById(ixUser);
    var name = result.SFirstName + " " + result.SLastName;

    // listUserRoleValuePair.Add(    


public class ValuePair
    private string _index;
    private string _sName;

    public ValuePair(string index, string sName)
        _index = index;
        _sName = sName;

    public string Index
        get { return _index; }
        set { _index = value; }

    public string SName
        get { return _sName; }
        set { _sName = value; }

提供 ixUser 是 索引字符串, 请使用此代码 :

List<ValuePair> listUserRoleValuePair = new List<ValuePair>();
var ixUserList= _mapper1.FindUserRoleLike(sName);
User result = null;

foreach (var ixUser in ixUserList)
    result = new UserMapper(connection).FindById(ixUser);
    var name = result.SFirstName + " " + result.SLastName;
    listUserRoleValuePair.Add(new ValuePair(ixUser, name));

您可以使用 KeyValuePair 类 :

List<KeyValuePair<string,string>> listUserRoleValuePair = new List<KeyValuePair<string,string>>();


listUserRoleValuePair.Add(new KeyValuePair<string,string>(name, ixUser);


listUserRoleValuePair.Add(new ValuePair(index, name));

Im, 不清楚您对象的索引值是什么, 但不管它是什么, 只要在上行替换它


collection.Add(new ValuePair(index, Name))

collection.Add(new ValuePair(){Index = index,SName= Name});


Valuepair valpair = new ValuePair();
valpair.Index = index;
valpair.SName = name;



var pair = new ValuePair();
// somehow intialize pair
listUserRoleValuePair.Add(new ValuePair(ixUser, name));

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