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如何从 JavaFX 应用程序类获取阶段
原标题:How to retrieve stage from JavaFX Application Class

I am writing an application with 2 different BorderPanes, BorderPane A and BorderPane B. The application has 2 menuitems, such that, when clicked it HAS to show BorderPane A or BorderPane B.

这是应用程序类, 它有我要使用的阶段

public class SampleApp extends Application {
private Stage primaryStage;

public static void main(final String[] args) {
时 时   
public void start(final Stage stage)
        throws Exception {
    final AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context = new  AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(SampleAppFactory.class);
    final SpringFxmlLoader loader = new SpringFxmlLoader(context);      
    final Parent root = (Parent) loader.load("Main.fxml", Main.class);
    final Scene scene = new Scene(root, 600, 480, Color.ALICEBLUE);
    this.primaryStage = stage;

在选择菜单时, 主雅瓦级有两个边框, 我想在应用程序上显示边板 。

Does someone knows how to show the Borderpane(set the Scene on Stage) from this method(showBorderPane)? I d like to retrieve the Stage and set the scene with de borderpane:

public class Main extends BorderPane implements Initializable {

private Verbinding verbindingContent; // BORDERPANE A
private Beheer beheerContent;// BORDERPANE A
private MenuBar menuContent;

public void initialize(final URL url, final ResourceBundle rb) {

private void showBorderPane(final ActionEvent event) {
    final MenuItem menuItem = (MenuItem) event.getSource();

private void handleCloseAction(final ActionEvent event) {

时 时

我的主体. xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?import java.lang.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.control.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.layout.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.shape.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.effect.*?>
<?import nl.mamaloe.tab.view.Main?>
<BorderPane xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml" fx:controller="nl.mamaloe.tab.view.Main">
    <fx:include source="scene/Beheer.fxml" fx:id="beheerContent" />
    <!-- fx:include source="Menu.fxml" fx:id="menuContent" / -->
    <MenuBar fx:id="menuContent" onMouseClicked="#handleKeyInput">
            <Menu text="Systeem">
                    <MenuItem text="Verbinding maken" onAction="#handleVerbindingAction"/>
                    <SeparatorMenuItem />
                    <MenuItem text="Afsluiten"  onAction="#handleCloseAction"/>

            <Menu text="TAB">
                    <MenuItem text="Script toevoegen" onAction="#handleAboutAction"/>
                    <SeparatorMenuItem />
                    <MenuItem text="Script draaien" />                      
            <Menu text="About" onAction="#handleAboutAction">
                    <MenuItem text="Op basis van wizard" />
<center>   <Label text="Add New Dock of Home" />


I ve seen it is possible to do this from the start method of the application. But I d like to implement it in the Main.java because of structure and I am using mainly FXML to declare the GUI.


当 FXMLLoader 装入“ 主程序” 文件时, 将创建一个新的 BrainPane (定义在 Main. fxml 中) 。 装载器还将创建/ 初始化其控制器类, 这是另一个由BrontPane 衍生的类别 。 因此有两种不同的 BrontPanes 实例。 您的设计与一般方法略有不同, 但是, 为了实现您的目标, 我建议将一个容器添加到 FXML 文件的中心 :

    <StackPane fx:id="pane">
              <Label text="Add New Dock of Home" />

You can change the StackPane with any pane/layout you want. Next make a link to it in the controller class:

private StackPane pane;

您的“ 强” 应 < / 强” 删除“ 扩展边界Pane ”, 因为它已经没有意义了。 最后,

private void showBorderPane(final ActionEvent event) {
    final MenuItem menuItem = (MenuItem) event.getSource();
    pane.getChildren().clear(); // Clear old content.
    switch (menuItem.getText()) {
        case "Borderpane A":
        case "Borderpane B":
            pane.getChildren().add(new Label("Add New Dock of Home"));


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