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JavaFX with Maven [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.

I recently started a JavaFX project, and I d like to use Maven as my compiler/deployment tool.

Is there a good tutorial or plugin to integrate JavaFX and Maven?


Starting with Java 7u9 I think JavaFX is shipped together with Java SE runtime and the rest, so it makes it pretty easy to create a Maven-based JavaFX project.

Here is what you do (assuming you have latest Java SE 7 runtime environment):

  1. Go to directory where your JRE libs are installed: cd "/c/Program Files/Java/jre7/lib"

  2. Find what is the version of the JavaFX by reading the javafx.properties file. cat javafx.properties will produce something like: javafx.runtime.version=2.2.3

  3. Now you are ready to install the JavaFX runtime package to Maven: mvn install:install-file -Dfile=jfxrt.jar -DgroupId=com.oracle -DartifactId=javafx -Dpackaging=jar -Dversion=2.2.3

  4. Finally, create a simple Maven project, in say NetBeans, open your pom.xml file and add the following dependency:


Once you save the pom.xml you can continue using your typical Maven workflow.

Please note I used the MSYS (http://www.mingw.org) environment on Windows in the examples above in the case you get confused. If you prefer Windows CMD it would be very much similar. I just do not feel comfortable without BASH and GNU tools such as sed, grep, etc...

This helped me a lot:

Blog Entry

In the beginning of the Blog Entry the author mentions another great Article that can be found here...:

Another Blog

The main "magic" is getting "settings.xml" right... Afterwards...it is not that difficult.

I released a new version of the FEST JavaFX Compiler Maven Plug-in. This new version supports compilation of test sources. For more details please visit http://alexruiz.developerblogs.com/?p=1197

There is a maven plugin developped by an user of javafx.

See this mailling post :


and the github site :


Alex Ruiz had a really good post on this recently and released a Maven plugin that should help you:


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