English 中文(简体)
铁路和jQuery Ajax(POST) - 错误反应
原标题:Rails and jQuery Ajax (POST) - error response

我在建铁路应用程序,我想和jj 查询做AJAX电话。当我打AJAX电话(POST)时,我的方法有误。但是我不知道问题是什么:

当我使用 GET 方法时, 一切工作都正常, 但是当我把它换成 POST 时, 我就会收到错误( 是的, 我改变了路线. rb : ) ) 。

jj 查询

  url: "/login/checkLogin/",
  dataType: "json",
  data: data,
  type:  post ,


ldap = Net::LDAP.new
ldap.host = "***"
ldap.port = ***
ldap.auth %[#{params[:login_username]}], params[:login_password]

if ldap.bind
 session[ loggedin ] = true
 respond_with "1".to_json
 session[ loggedin ] = false
 respond_with "0".to_json

错误消息( 来自控制台)

undefined method `"0"_url 

谢谢 谢谢


It is backside of Rails magic :) By default, Rails uses ActionController::Responder to process respond_with if no block given 或 template is not available. F或 POST method (REST create ) and non-html f或mats like xml and json, it generates a response with encoded resource, status code (:success), and resource location. So it tries to find out the URI of the resource you have passed, and fails on this step.

只需通过 : place {gt; non 选项以取代默认值, 或者使用明确的 repond_to

respond_with "0".to_json, :location => nil

respond_to do |f或mat|
  f或mat.json {render :json => "0".to_json}

尝试设置 contentType: " application/json; charset=utf-8, "/code> $.ajax ({...})

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