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如何导出 R 中的 HTML 表格, 并控制线边界?
原标题:How to export HTML table in R and have control over line borders?
  • 时间:2012-05-27 13:20:39
  •  标签:
  • r

R 中是否有任何功能允许将 HTML 表格作为 R Markdown 或相关编织文档的一部分出口,并允许详细控制表格线边框?


x <- matrix(c("", "M", "F", "Good", 
"23", "17", "Bad", "23", "4"), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)

什么样的命令会输出具有以下特征的适当的 HTML 表格 :

       M     F
 Good  23    17
 Bad   23    4

你可以尝试一下我这个非常年轻的软件包, 名称是pander , 试图用 打印R对象, http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/"rel="noreferr">pandoc 标记格式。


> x <- matrix(c("", "M", "F", "Good", "23", "17", "Bad", "23", "4"), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)
> pandoc(x)

|      | M    | F    |
| Good | 23   | 17   |
| Bad  | 23   | 4    |

我只是在做一些功能, 产生其他的表语法, 比如“简单表格”或“多线表格”(见Pandocs readme)。

P. S.: you could also export this table easily to HTML (besides other formats like docx, odt etc.) with the (not yet documented) Pandoc reference class like:

> myReport <- Pandoc$new()
> myReport$add(x)
> myReport

Anonymous s report
 written by *Anonymous* at *Sun May 27 21:04:22 2012*

  This report holds 1 block(s). 


|      | M    | F    |
| Good | 23   | 17   |
| Bad  | 23   | 4    |


Proc. time:  0.009 seconds. 

> myReport$format <-  html 
> myReport$export()

Exported to */tmp/pander-4e9c12ff63a6.[md|html]* under 0.031 seconds.

P.S.第二:您也可以 < a href=" http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/brew/index.html" rel="noreferr"\\code>brew (类似 sweave) 一份包含 Pandoc.brew 的文本文件, 它会自动转换您的

> t <-  # Title
+ A nice matrix:
+ <%=matrix(c("", "M", "F", "Good", "23", "17", "Bad", "23", "4"), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)%>
+ Bye-bye! 
> Pandoc.brew(text=t)
# Title

A nice matrix:

|      | M    | F    |
| Good | 23   | 17   |
| Bad  | 23   | 4    |



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