English 中文(简体)
当两个规则同时匹配 URL (添加路径信息后缀) 时, Apache 重新 write Rewrite Rules 意外行为
原标题:Apache RewriteRule unexpected behaviour when two rules match URL at one moment (add path info postfix)

I m playing with apache rewrite_mod (Apache/2.2.17 Win32) and encounter very weird behave of rewriteRule.

My script primarily rewrite infinite filter parameters named f1 .. f<infinity> from nice url and in loop adding them as query variables, add path as query, and page number.

It works flawlessly, but if I add one another rule (last rule in script)

RewriteRule   ^(.+).html$                       /index.php?path=$1.html [QSA]


Input URL:


期望在所有重写后产生 PHP :

$_SERVER[QUERY_STRING] => path=some/thing/&page=0&f1=nice-cars&f2=planes&f3=karts&f4=bike
$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME] => /index.php

脚本看起来像这样( 下一部分功能完美无缺) :

# from: some/thing/index0-f1-nice-cars-f2-planes-f3-karts-f4-bike.html
# to:   some/thing/index0.html?f=-f1-nice-cars-f2-planes-f3-karts-f4-bike

RewriteRule   ^(.*/?index[0-9]*)((?:-f[0-9]+-.+?)+).html$   /$1.html?f=$2 [QSA]

# from: some/thing/index0.html?f=-f1-nice-cars-f2-planes-f3-karts-f4-bike
# to    index.php?path=some/thing/&page=0&f=-f1-nice-cars-f2-planes-f3-karts-f4-bike

#              (   $1   )     (  $2  )
RewriteRule   ^(.+/{0,1})index([0-9]*).html$    /index.php?path=$1&page=$2 [QSA]

# while in f is something like "f1-nice-cars" (for example)
# remove "f1-nice-cars" from f and add as query "f1=nice-cars"

#                              (%1)    (   %2  ) ( %3)(       %4       )
RewriteCond   %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*)&f=-(f[0-9]+)-(.+?)((?:-f[0-9]+-.+)*)$ 
RewriteRule   ^index.php$                       /index.php?%1&%2=%3&f=%4 [L]

# remove empty "f=" from query

RewriteCond   %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*)&f=$ 
RewriteRule   ^index.php$                       /index.php?%1



没有下一条脚本规则, 下一条规则是完全实用的 。 但是如果我加上它, 这条规则本身没有作用, 但是重写_ mod 给脚本开头的下一条添加更多内容 。

# rewrite rule for other paths without filters

RewriteRule   ^(.+).html$                       /index.php?path=$1.html [QSA]



I found resolution of this problem. When 2 rules match URL at one pass of .htaccess, then apache rewrite_mod use method "add path info postfix" (its something like bug or feature), which ruin path of request. So when I added flag [L] to that 2 rules, result is OK.

我认为,apache通过......ht access 相继, 无关紧要的下一个规则...



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