English 中文(简体)
原标题:Workaround for outer join with an IN operator in Oracle

我使用的是Oracle SQL,所以外部连接具有很好的(+)语法。我应该警告你,我不允许重新设计数据库;我在一家大公司工作。


PersonID   Name
1          Elmo
2          Oscar
3          Chris

PersonID   Attribute
1          Happy
1          Muppet
1          Popular
2          Grouchy
2          Muppet
2          Popular
3          Programmer


Name       Mood
Elmo       Happy
Oscar      Grouchy


SELECT p.Name, a.Attribute
FROM People p, Attributes a
WHERE p.PersonID = a.PersonID (+)
AND ( a.Attribute (+) =  Happy 
   OR a.Attribute (+) =  Grouchy  )

(也许我必须加上“OR a.属性为空”之类的。)



首先,为什么不能使用正确的OUTER JOINs?,您可以在Oracle中使用它们,而无需使用(+)语法进行隐式连接。至于你的问题,你可以使用IN

SELECT p.Name, a.Attribute
FROM People p
LEFT OUTER JOIN Attributes a
ON p.PersonID = a.PersonID AND a.Attribute IN ( Happy , Grouchy )

如果你真的知道“正确”Oracle数据库的Oracel SQL语法,你也可以这样做。。。

SELECT p.Name,
  FROM people p,
       (SELECT PersonID,
          FROM attributes
              WHERE Attribute =  Happy 
              OR Attribute =  Grouchy ) a
  WHERE p.personid = a.personid(+)



SELECT p.Name, a.Attribute
FROM People p
                  FROM Attributes
                  WHERE Attribute =  Happy  OR Attribute =  Grouchy ) a
ON (p.PersonID = a.PersonID)

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