English 中文(简体)
原标题:Idiomatic way to throw exceptions to a delegate

我有一个监视器类, 监测设备, 如果设备成功接收可用数据, 便报告设备。 这随时可能发生 。



public class MyMonitor
  private SuccessHandler _successHandler;
  private ErrorHandler _errorHandler;
  public delegate void SuccessHandler(MyDTO result);
  public delegate void ErrorHandler(MyBaseException exception);

  public MyMonitor(SuccessHandler successHandler, ErrorHandler errorHandler) {
    _successHandler = successHandler;
    _errorHandler = errorHandler;

  public void start() {
    try {
      _successHandler(new MyDTP().doSomethingRisky());
    } catch(Exception e) {

public class Client {
  static void Main(string[] args) {
    MyMonitor monitor = new MyMonitor(new MyMonitor.SuccessHandler(handleSuccess), new MyMonitor.ErrorHandler(handleException));

  static void handleSuccess(MyDTO result) {
    // do something with result

  static void handleException(MyBaseException e) {
    try {
      throw e;
    } catch(UserException mbe) {
      // present message to user
    } catch(DataNotFoundException se) {
      // log error and show generic error message
    } catch(UnexpectedException ue) {
      // log error and try to hide it from the user

那么,你为什么不处理你主机的例外 而不是监控舱?


static void handleException(MyBaseException e)
  if (e is UserException)
    // present message to user
  else if (e is DataNotFoundException)
    // log error and show generic error message
  elseif (e is UnexpectedException)
    // log error and try to hide it from the user
    // might want to rethrow the exception, do a general handling,...

That way you don t have to rethrow the exception, just to catch it again. But this can get ugly if you have many subtypes to handle and here is where multidispatch comes in.

static void HandleException(MyBaseException e)

static void HandleSubException(MyBaseException e)
    // might want to rethrow the exception, do a general handling,...

static void HandleSubException(DataNotFoundExceptione)
    // log error and show generic error message

static void HandleSubException(UnexpectedException e)
    // log error and try to hide it from the user

static void HandleSubException(UserExceptione)
    // present message to user

Now you can tend to each exception in its own method and is much easier to read and maintain. Having said that, I m not entirely sure if this falls under best practice.



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