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如何从 MAC OS X 删除一个应用程序?
原标题:How do I delete an app from MAC OS X

when I delete this app it appears in mac App Store s update label immediately, how can i delete it thorough? free memory can t remove it
I once removed it from two ways:
1.command + delete this app from Applications folder
2.use other app names AppCleaner to delete it
but the problem was still.

It look like some information had in system(Mac OS X 10.7.4). and App Store think it need update.
What should I do?


如果您正在运行 MAC OS 狮子, 您是否尝试从发射板中移除它( 保持图标, 直至它摇动, 然后按 x) 。

另请尝试应用清洁剂“http://appcleaner.en. sonoonic.com/mac” rel=“no follow”>http://appcleaner.en.sofonic.com/mac

I found this answer on stackexchange and it worked: I had the exact same problem and this solved it:

从 MacAppstore (MAS) 下载的所有应用程序都包含在应用程序包内的收据( 例如: apname. app/ contents/_ MASReceipt/ receipt) 。 MAS 会扫描此文件以检查新版本是否可用 。

您可以使用此应用程序( 查找任何文件) 在驱动器上搜索任何收据 : < a href=" http://apps.tempel.org/FindAnyFile/" rel=" nofollow" > http://apps.tempel. org/FindAnyFile/

Launch Find Any File and search for: _MASReceipt Go through each result that you think could be the culprit, copy the receipt to your desktop as a backup, and after that delete the receipt inside _MASReceipt folder. Open MAS and let it scan for software update. If it s still showing the wrong ID, it means that you ve deleted the wrong receipt. Restore the receipt backup from your desktop to it s previous location. Repeat the process until you ve found the problem receipt.

您有选项 :

  • You have many premium applications with GUI interface to do it for you.
  • Manually remove the app from Applications folder on Mac, but this only removes the app without cleaning the associated files and folders.
  • And my favorite that you can leverage UNIX shell "Terminal" to do it for you.

查找并删除与应用程序相关的目录。 例如 :

#this will list all the paths that exist for a specific app name
$ sudo find  location  -name  Application 
$ rm -rf  location 

帮助者函数 :

    if [ ! $@ ]; then
        echo  you must specify a program name you want to uninstall. 
        printf "Enter an App name > 
        read  1
        while [[ -z $1 ]];do
            printf "Enter valid App Name >
            read 1
    # forcekill $1
    paths=( /Applications  $HOME) # where most installed applications lives
    echo "Scanning directories for $1 ..."
    saved_state=` for location in $paths ;do sudo find ${location} -iname "*$1*";done `
    if [ ${#saved_state} -gt 0 ];then
        echo "found `echo $saved_state | wc -l` dirs"
        for line in $saved_state;do echo $line 2>/dev/null| sed -l  s/ /\ /g  |xargs rm -rf; echo "Deleting... 
$line" ;done
        echo "$1 has been removed."
        echo "$1 program not found on your hard drive"


如果您对 Mac 上的终端程序不熟悉, 只需打开终端应用程序并粘贴卸载功能, 然后由 :

uninstall  App name  

或者将其丢入.bashrc 或. profile 或. profile 中, 并让它重新使用。 指定正确的应用程序名称, 否则强制删除就会发生, 您无法恢复它 。


  1. Drag the application from the "Applications" folder into your "Bin".
  2. Go into the Bin, right-click the application and select the "Delete Immediately..." option.

从 MacOS (Macbook M1 或任何版本) 删除应用程序的最佳方法是下载 AppCleaner 应用程序

< a href=> https://freemacsoft.net/appcleaner/" rel="不跟随 noreferrer" >https://freemacsoft.net/appcleaner/

And drag and drop enter image description here

从 MacOS (Macbook M1 或任何版本) 删除应用程序的最佳方法是下载 AppCleaner 应用程序

< a href=> https://freemacsoft.net/appcleaner/" rel="不跟随 noreferrer" >https://freemacsoft.net/appcleaner/


只要单击删除并清空垃圾桶即可完成 。 @ info: whatsthis

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