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FORTRAN 汇编者警告:过时的算术 IF 声明
原标题:FORTRAN compiler warning: obsolete arithmetic IF statement
  • 时间:2012-05-25 17:33:31
  •  标签:
  • gfortran


Warning: Obsolete: arithmetic IF statement at (1) 


66 s12 = max(epsilon, s1 + s2)
c Then execution will go to label 13. Will this stop any further problems?
if (s12 - 1.0) 13, 13, 12
13 z = s1 / s12



 IF (expr) label1, label2, label3


less than 0, jump to label1 
equal to 0, jump to label2
greater than 0, jump to label3



      IF (s12 - 1.0 .gt. 0 ) GOTO 12
13    z = s1 / s12

检查此处 :




if (s12 - 1.0) 13, 13, 12 是一个自定义化的 IF, 被视为无效编程 。

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arithmedic_IF" rel="nofollow" >wikipedia :

"... 堡垒声明界定了三个不同的分支 取决于一个表达方式的结果是负的,零的,还是正的..."

终于在90号堡被贴上了 白种人的名字"

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