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how I can find out, which compiler I have used

I have installed NetCDF "binary-netcdf-4.0.1_gfortran_gfortran_c++.tar ". But I am not sure about the gfortran compiler I have used. How can I find the compiler I have used?


Run gfortran -v to tell you which version you have.

Starting from netcdf 4.1, which uses pkg-config, you can do this:

$ nc-config  --all

This gives something like:

This netCDF 4.1.1 has been built with the following features: 
  --libs      -> -L/opt/local/lib -lnetcdf
  --fc        -> openmpif77
  --fflags    -> -O2 -m32 -I/opt/local/include
  --flibs     -> -L/opt/local/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf
  --has-f77   -> yes
  --has-f90   -> yes

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I have a compiled .exe file (compiled with gfortran and -g option) that crashes. I can attach the WinDBG program to it using the WinDBG -I command. Funny enough it generates a stack overflow: (38f0....

Pre-processing !DEC$ directives in gfortran

I ve got a large Fortran codebase that originally targeted Intel s compiler. I m now gearing up to compile with gfortran. Unfortunately, the code is littered with Intel-style pre-processing directives ...

how I can find out, which compiler I have used

I have installed NetCDF "binary-netcdf-4.0.1_gfortran_gfortran_c++.tar ". But I am not sure about the gfortran compiler I have used. How can I find the compiler I have used?

gfortran, DLL, underscore

I want to access some subroutines from a third party DLL. The functions use STDCALL as the calling convention. Running dumpbin /export foo.dll gives me something like: ... 7 6 ...

Fortran bus error on mac

The following Fortran code is giving me a bus error on my Mac but no errors when I run it on my Linux machine: PROGRAM TINY WRITE(UNIT=*, FMT=*) Hello, world! END My understanding is that a ...

Xcode with fortran

I m trying to compile some fortran files in Xcode, using a makefile made by me. The problem is that Xcode can t find gfortran compiler. I have it, because if I go to console and try to compile from ...
