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客户端找到了文本/ html的响应内容类型, 但预期文本/ xml [重复]
原标题:Client found response content type of text/html , but expected text/xml [duplicate]
  • 时间:2012-05-25 18:43:23
  •  标签:
  • c#
  • asp.net
This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.

Possible Duplicate:
Client found response content type of text/html , but expected text/xml

我正在添加用户认证的网络参考。 此工程建立成功 。 但在此之后, 一旦我输入用户名和密码, 并输入登录按钮, 它会给出以下错误信息 。

“ 屏幕发现文本/ html的响应内容类型, 但预期文本/ xml


webservice.API c = new webservice.API();
var ret = c.checkAuth(new Guid("34343-kjk343-44343-3434"), UserName.Text, Password.Text);
if (ret.APIStatus.id == 1)



Infirefox 使用 Firebug 来查看网络服务出错之处, 因为似乎有些错误页面正在从网络服务中返回 。


The problem seems to be on the webservice side, not on your client app. Do you have control on the webservice? If so you should be able to verify that it correctly sends a response with Content-Type: text/xml

您还应当使用< a href=> http://www. fiddir2.com/ fiddler2/" rel="nofollow" > Fiddler2 来监测正在发生的情况,并检查发送和收到的请求和答复中的其他属性。

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