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原标题:How to deal with paired tumor-normal samples in Snakemake?
I am converting a bash pipeline to process paired whole-exome sequenced tumor-normal samples into a SnakeMake workflow. Paired samples are listed in my config file, as follows: sample_list: - sample: 1 tumor: AO1_04_RN_1_T_4_S4 control: AO2_07_C007558T1Wa_S37 - sample: 2 tumor: AO2_01_C007589T1FTa_S2 control: AO2_07_C007589T1Wa_S34 - sample: 3 tumor: AO9_09_FM_1_T_7_S13 control: AO2_07_C007558T1Wa_S37 I am now stuck in getting a rule to call variants with Mutect2 to process the tumor samples from sample X specifically with its control sample (e.g. for sample 1: -I tumor_of_sample_1 -I control_of_sample_1). What I keep getting (even using zip) is a command built like this: -I tumor_of_sample_1 tumor_of_sample_2 tumor_of_sample_3 -I control_of_sample_1 control_of_sample_2 control_of_sample_3, which inevitably fails. I would be very grateful for some help...thanks!
I think what you need is a simple lambda function to grab the correct config entry for a given wildcard.I changed your config file a bit, which makes the lambda function a bit simpler, otherwise it should be trivial to adjust the function accordingly (I think, have not tested it) sample_list: sample1: tumor: sample1_tumor.gz control: sample1_control.gz sample2: tumor: sample2_tumor.gz control: sample2_control.gz sample3: tumor: sample2_tumor.gz control: sample2_control.gz And the conresponding snakefile: configfile: "config.yml" rule all: input: expand("out/{ID}.procesed",ID=["sample1","sample2","sample3"]) rule test: input: tumor=lambda wc: "input/"+config["sample_list"][wc.ID]["tumor"], control=lambda wc: "input/"+config["sample_list"][wc.ID]["control"] output: "out/{ID}.procesed" shell: "echo {input.tumor} {input.control} {output}"

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