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自动自动自动、 将电子邮件附件转换为 PDF 并重新连接到电子邮件
原标题:Power Automate, convert email attachments to PDF and reattach to email
I need to create a flow to do the following: For Emails that are received into a group inbox with attachments that are non-PDF... xlsx, docx etc I need to Convert all the attachments to PDF Then Re-attached to the same email and forward to another email address with the PDF attachment(s) included. This then goes to a scanning portal that only accepts PDF. The current docx>pdf process is done manually, circa 26k emails per month are unpacked and resent out as pdf attachments. Before I get unhealthily obsessed with this, is this even possible with Power Automate? or is there a better solution to handle this? Was thinking of a temporary holding folder that does the conversion from docx to PDF, then forward the email and extract it from the holding folder back into the email.
There is an alternative solution, it is not inside Power, but a Windows software which can be installed on a Windows server or desktop: Automatic Email Manager from Namtuk, it will do the job. https://www.automatic-email-manager.com/feature-merge-email-with-attachments-in-pdf There is a tutorial for sending an email with the attachments received and converted in PDF: https://help.automatic-email-manager.com/support/solutions/articles/67000722228-save-emails-in-pdf-and-forward-the-result

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