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bash 写入以归档包含从 bash 转换的数组的json 对象
原标题:bash write to file a json object containing array converted from bash
I have a bash array that I want to convert to json and write to file. Suppose it is my_strings=("hello" "world") I have managed to convert it to json and write to file with: for f in "${my_strings[@]}"; do printf %s "$f" | jq -R -s .; done | jq -s >> test_.json and the output resulting file looks like: [ "hello", "world" ] However, the output I would like to have is { "strings_": [ "hello", "world" ] } I ve tried prepend and append the graphs and the key like this: printf { "strings_": > test_.json; for f in "${my_strings[@]}"; do printf %s "$f" | jq -R -s .; done | jq -s >> test_.json; printf "} " >> test_.json but the resulting indentation is not good. Is there a better way to do this?
You re looking for something like this: $ my_strings=("hello" "world") $ jq -n --args {strings_: $ARGS.positional} "${my_strings[@]}" { "strings_": [ "hello", "world" ] }


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