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原标题:How do I convert a function to an integer?
  • 时间:2024-07-08 01:52:53
  •  标签:
  • python
  • dice
I can t find a way to get my dice simulator to convert a function to a string to an integer. I ve been trying to incorporate a how many sides plus how many rolls feature, and I can t figure it out. import random random.seed(12039810239874610293) a = 1 b = input( How many sides would you like your die to have? ) r = input( How many times would you like to roll it? ) r = int(r) r2 = r + 1 b = int(b) def n(): for counter in range(1, r2): random.randint(1, b) return n2 n2_int = int(n2) print( You rolled a , n2_int) Although to be fair, I am a relative noob to python, having put it down for about 2 years. I ve used ChatGPT to solve it, but it hasn t helped, and have spent a while on stack overflow trying to fix it. Still displays variants of TypeError: Int() argument must be a string and ValueError: Invalid literal for int() with base 10: None EDIT: Put in full code for clarity
this is a demonstration of how to do the said scenario first is to get the how many sides and times and convert them into int before storing in a variable import random sides = int(input( How many sides would you like your die to have? )) times = int(input( How many times would you like to roll it? )) # the declaration above is stated in a simpler way as # sides = input( string here ) # sides_int = int(sides) now let s create a function with parameters in which the function will use to properly do the instructions you want def roll_dice(sides, times): for roller in range(0, times):#this will determine how many rolls rolled = random.randint(1, sides) #this roll the dice based on sides print(rolled) #prints the rolled number now lets call the function roll_dice(sides, times) now to answer the question to pass the value to a variable, then you must have a storage for it since you want to successfully pass the value to a variable, you must do it properly, as per your request to transfer it as int to a variable, here s how you can do it, you can notice that we placed the number of times outside, since we specified that rolling the dice is a function and how many times it must be rolled is equivalent on how many times should we call the function def pass_the_dice(sides): #this is your function that only requires sides return random.randint(1, sides) for counter in range(0, times): rolled_value = pass_the_dice(sides) print(f"You rolled :{rolled_value}") I hope I made it clearer for you
your code snippet is missing data. Where does r2 come from? you are not passing it to your function as an argument: if you want the function to use a value then you have to pass a value to it. ex: def sum_two_numbers(a, b): result = a + b print(result) then you have to CALL the function.. meaning.. tell python use this function and change a , b with real values.. sum_two_numbers(2,5) this will indeed return 7 It looks like what you are trying to achieve is something like this import random rolls = int(input("How many rolls?")) #create an int variable for rolls sides = int(input("How many sides?")) #create an int variable for die sides def n(r2, b): #define positional arguments to your function for x in range(1, r2): #use your args in function print(random.randint(1, b)) #print the random result of your die n(rolls, sides) #your function call passing your previously created values print(f You rolled a {sides} sides die {rolls} times ) #fancy report

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