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实施限制: FefLotem 需要 Id 过滤器
原标题:Implementation restriction: FeedItem requires a filter by Id
When T tested with non-admin user this error occurred. Any possible solution for this ? I have class which called by trigger. According to my functionality i have to calculate latest Activity s days since activity happened to current date. With the admin user all functionality runs successfully, but when tested with non-admin user error occurred on FeedItem s list. enter image description here ` List feeditemList =[SELECT ID, CreatedDate, CreatedById, CreatedBy.Name, ParentId, Parent.Name, Body FROM FeedItem where parentId =:oppId_Set ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC limit 1]; system.debug( $$$ feeditemList: + feeditemList); //FeedItem for(FeedItem fi : feeditemList) { if(!feeditemList.isEmpty()) { if(fi.CreatedDate<>Null) { latestFeeditemDate =fi.CreatedDate; system.debug( latestFeeditemDate in feeditem loop +latestFeeditemDate); } } } ` Any Possible Solution for this.
One way to bypass this error is to use the keyword "WITH SYSTEM_MODE" in your query. This will allow the user to see all messages, regardless of their permissions. However, in this specific case, it seems acceptable as you only need to retrieve the last date from the latest chatter message.

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