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将远程移动设备连接到Mac 上的铬底盘
原标题:Connect remote mobile device to chrome devtools on Mac
community! Just wanted to ask if is it possible to connect my Android phone(in this case Motorola z2 force Android 7.0) to chrome devtools. The problem is that I m writing a web site and that it was useable in mobile devices. Everything works fine on all mobiles devices which I have tested, but there is a problem on my Motorola. I want to discover what is the problem, but i can t connect it like in described in google documentation and stackoverflow. I m using google chrome version 117.0.5938.132, (x86_64), MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015) with macOS Monterey 12.6.8 (21G725) I switch on developer mode on my device Connect my device via usb to mac open chrome://inspect#device and the device is not showing in list as expected. So I want to debug my ui on motorola to see what causes the problem and looking the ways to do it
I have it the same problem You have to eneable de Dev mode on chrome and on the device tapping the build in number 7 times like said here https://en-us.support.motorola.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/160067/~/developer-options then on the dev options you also have to eneable USB debugging. after that just have to do as the che developer sayshttps://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/remote-debugging and give the permission to the pc. hope this resolve your problem
I had the same issue, I was not able to see "USB Debugging" but after enabling it by clicking on "Build number" 7 times, I was able to see "USB Debugging". Enabled it. Now I needed to reconnect the cable and opened:chrome://inspect/#apps Here, it will prompt on mobile to allow access. I had to wait for a while to get app shown in chrome. I hope that resolves the issue.

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