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以 Microsoft365R 的电子邮件嵌入图像
原标题:Embedding images in an e-mail with Microsoft365R
I m trying to send an email with the Microsoft365R package. There s an embedded image I need in it. I ve tried two ways: library(Microsoft365R) emails <- c("myemail@example.com") for(i in emails){ my_outlook <- get_business_outlook() my_email <- my_outlook$create_email()$ set_body("`image`", content_type="html")$ set_subject("Test")$ set_recipients(to = i)$ send() } And: for(i in emails){ my_outlook <- get_business_outlook() my_email <- my_outlook$create_email()$ set_body("test testing", content_type="html")$ add_image("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iagocnunes/test/main/002.png")$ set_subject("Test")$ set_recipients(to = i)$ send() } In both the image fails to embed. Why is this happening and how can I get it right?
A few things could cause an image not to render as expected. In this case, the backtick characters should be replaced with single quotes and it should work. E.g. this should work library(Microsoft365R) emails <- c("myemail@example.com") for(i in emails){ my_outlook <- get_business_outlook() my_email <- my_outlook$create_email()$ set_body("image", content_type="html")$ set_subject("Test")$ set_recipients(to = i)$ send() } A second thing that can cause images not to render as expected is if the image s mimetype isn t what it appears to be. Basically, we could reasonably assume that if a file has the extension .png, that its mimetype is also png. However, sometimes someone will have an unsupported image type, they ll rename it (giving it a different extension), but it won t change it s mimetype and so it won t render (this happened to me once with the webp file type). I checked your image s mimetype here and confirm it s mimetype is image/png, which is a supported type. One last thing that could cause an image not to render (you already have this) is if the content_type="html" argument is missing in set_body() (see microsoft365R manual): The object argument should be a filename, and the message content type will be set to "html"
When using the add_image() function and assigning the image using a file name (as opposed to a URL), I have found that the image file name must not contain any spaces. Using Microsoft365R v2.4.0.

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