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原标题:loop to copy and paste always one row below
  • 时间:2015-06-12 09:07:28
  •  标签:
  • excel
  • vba
I have been searching an efficient way to copy data from one spreadsheet to another and always paste one row below. Someone helped me with this code, but unfortunately it is not working for the columns i need. So I need to copy data from E2:P2 on sheet "Dividends" and paste firstly on C11:N11, then tomorrow if I run again should paste on C12:N12 and always one row below... When I run the code, it pastes the data on C111:N111, and if I run again still paste on the same range, so does not work for me. I would appreciate your help. Sub Copy_range() edit line below to change where data will be copied from Worksheets("Dividends").Range("E2:P2").Copy copy the value select the first cell on the "Draft" sheet Worksheets("Draft").Select ActiveSheet.Range("C11").Select Dim count As Integer count = 1 skip all used cells Do While Not (ActiveCell.value = None) ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("C11").Select count = count + 1 Loop Worksheets("Draft").Range("C11" & count & ":N11" & count).PasteSpecial paste the value End Sub
Using ActiveCell and Offset can often lead to unexpected results and makes the code hard to read. You can have the counting loop working without all of this, by simply going through column C cells starting at C11 and looking for empty one. One of possible ways is Sub Copy_range Dim count As Integer count = 11 Do While Worksheets("Draft").Range("C" & count).Value <> "" <>"" means "is not empty", as long as this happens we go down looking for empty cell count = count + 1 Loop Now count is row with first empty cell outside of top 10 rows in column C Worksheets("Dividends").Range("E2:P2").Copy Worksheets("Draft").Range("C" & count).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues End Sub
I would say that you could most likely just solve this with a Vlookup Formula autofilled to the target area. But the below code should do it. Option Explicit Sub moveDividends() Dim wsF As Worksheet From Dim wsD As Worksheet Destination Dim i As Long Dim LastRow As Long Set wsF = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1") Set wsD = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2") With wsD If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Cells) <> 0 Then LastRow = .Cells.Find(What:="*", _ After:=.Range("A1"), _ Lookat:=xlPart, _ LookIn:=xlFormulas, _ SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _ SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _ MatchCase:=False).row Else LastRow = 1 End If End With With wsD LastRow = LastRow + 1 wsD.Cells(LastRow, "C").Value = wsF.Cells(2, 5).Value wsD.Cells(LastRow, "D").Value = wsF.Cells(2, 6).Value wsD.Cells(LastRow, "E").Value = wsF.Cells(2, 7).Value wsD.Cells(LastRow, "F").Value = wsF.Cells(2, 8).Value wsD.Cells(LastRow, "G").Value = wsF.Cells(2, 9).Value wsD.Cells(LastRow, "H").Value = wsF.Cells(2, 10).Value wsD.Cells(LastRow, "I").Value = wsF.Cells(2, 11).Value wsD.Cells(LastRow, "J").Value = wsF.Cells(2, 12).Value wsD.Cells(LastRow, "K").Value = wsF.Cells(2, 13).Value wsD.Cells(LastRow, "L").Value = wsF.Cells(2, 14).Value wsD.Cells(LastRow, "M").Value = wsF.Cells(2, 15).Value wsD.Cells(LastRow, "N").Value = wsF.Cells(2, 16).Value End With End Sub
all method are rigth, or simply use: Sub Copy_range() Dim lastRow As Long edit line below to change where data will be copied from Worksheets("Dividends").Range("E2:P2").Copy copy the value find the 1th not-used rows lastRow = Worksheets("Draft").Cells(1048576, 3).End(xlUp).Row + 1 lastRow = IIf(lastrows < 11, 11, lastrows) optional if is possible that the rows 10, 9, 8,.... are empty Worksheets("Draft").Range("C" & lastRow).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues paste the value End Sub
Use the below Sub Copy_range() edit line below to change where data will be copied from Worksheets("Dividends").Range("E2:P2").Copy copy the value count cells and add 1 for next row last_row = Worksheets("Draft").Range("C" & Worksheets("Draft").Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1 If last_row > 1000000 Then last_row = 1 Worksheets("Draft").Range("C" & last_row ).PasteSpecial paste the value only need to ref first cell End Sub

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