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如何获取用户管理器 。 FindByEmail () 作为要使用 signIInManager 的选中电话 。 checkPasswordSignIn ()?
原标题:How to fetch UserManager.FindByEmail() as a select call to use with SignInManager.CheckPasswordSignIn()?
To solve my issue I just changed this code below. Now I only fetch once from the DB, instead of 3 times. Maybe someone who knows UserManager can weigh in on the difference between what I had and what I have now in terms of security? // Old Code var userFromRepo = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(loginDto.Email); // New code var user = await _userManager.Users .Include(p => p.TokensPoints) .Include(p => p.UserRoles) .ThenInclude(r => r.Role) .SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.NormalizedEmail == loginDto.Email); next I just map the fields I want to the DTO being returned to the client.
If you want to extend the _userManager.FindByEmailAsync method, you need to create a custom class which inherts the IUserEmailStore, since the FindByEmailAsync method will call the IUserEmailStore s FindByEmailAsync method. The source codes for the _userManager is like this: public virtual async Task FindByEmailAsync(string email) { ThrowIfDisposed(); IUserEmailStore store = GetEmailStore(); Microsoft.AspNetCore.Shared.ArgumentNullThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(email, "email"); email = NormalizeEmail(email); TUser val = await store.FindByEmailAsync(email, CancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false); if (val == null && Options.Stores.ProtectPersonalData) { ILookupProtectorKeyRing service = _services.GetService(); ILookupProtector protector = _services.GetService(); if (service != null && protector != null) { foreach (string allKeyId in service.GetAllKeyIds()) { string normalizedEmail = protector.Protect(allKeyId, email); val = await store.FindByEmailAsync(normalizedEmail, CancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false); if (val != null) { return val; } } } } return val; } Inside the new implemented IUserEmailStore class ,you could modify the FindByEmailAsync like below: _dbContext.Users .Where(u => u.Email == email) .Select(p => new UserDto { Id = p.Id, Email = p.Email, UserName = p.UserName, Hosted = p.Hosted, Instructed = p.Instructed, Attended = p.Attended, IsBoarded = p.IsBoarded, IsActive = p.IsActive, Likers = p.LikersCount, Rating = p.Rating, YearStarted = p.YearStarted, YearsInstructing = p.YearsInstructing, YearsPracticing = DateTime.Now.Year - p.YearStarted, Certification = p.Certification.ToString(), CreatedDate = p.CreatedDate, PhotoUrl = p.IsBoarded ? p.UserPhoto : "assets/images/user.png", Age = p.DateOfBirth.CalculateAge(), DateOfBirth = p.DateOfBirth, ExperienceLevel = p.ExperienceLevel.GetEnumName(), Points = p.UserPoints.Sum(up => up.Points), Tokens = p.Tokens.Sum(t => t.Tokens), Token = _tokenService.CreateToken(p, (from userRole in p.UserRoles join role in _dbContext.Roles on userRole.RoleId equals role.Id select role.Name).ToList()), IsInstructor = p.IsInstructor }) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(); Then register it inside the program.cs: builder.Services.AddTransient, CustomUserEmailStore>(); More details about how to use it, you could refer to this article.
You do not have to call the user again the user already exist on userfromrepo. Just preform your logic on your current user object, userfromrepo.column name = what ever value. It will not update the database. Just the current user object and return it.

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