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原标题:how to set a global condition to hide entites that are deleted
  • 时间:2024-08-12 06:31:15
  •  标签:
  • c#
  • linq
I want to set a condition on all entites to hide the ones that are deleted. I could not find aa command in the Fluent Api to achieve this. protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder) { modelBuilder.Entity().HasQueryFilter(x => x.IsDeleted == false || x.IsDeleted ==null ); }
For achieving this, you should first define a baseClass for all entities like this. (Nullable IsDeleted, depends on your scenario and business): /// /// Base class for entities in the application. /// public abstract class BaseEntity { // Properties public virtual bool? IsDeleted { get; set; } } Then You should write a configuration for this base class like bellow to apply Global query filter. /// /// Represents the abstract entity configuration for the > entity. /// public class BaseEntityConfiguration : IEntityTypeConfiguration where TEntityType : BaseEntity { public virtual void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder builder) { // Retrieve all active and un deleted objects builder.HasQueryFilter(p => p.IsDeleted != null && p.IsDeleted != false); } } Then for configuring other entities you should follow like this. Assume that you have a billing entity, then configuration would be like this: /// /// Represents the entity configuration for the > entity. /// public class BillingConfiguration : BaseEntityConfiguration { public override void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder builder) { base.Configure(builder); // Other configuration specially for Billing Entity } } Hope this help you. any question, comment plz.

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