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How to get a flash url in a webpage using a webframe?

As we know , When we load frame from webpage of safari, we will invoke the delegate methods of webkit informal protocol(WebFrameLoadDelegate):



and I know when reload the page I can do this:

- (void)webView:(WebView *)senderdidStartProvisionalLoadForFrame:(WebFrame *)frame {
    if(![frame parentFrame]) {
        // There is no parent frame so this is the main frame.
    // other actions for child frames.

Now I have question: Can I get the flash address in the webpage using the argu: frame . and a flash in a frame ? and How to get it , I thought maybe walk through all the every frame dom object? But how to do ?Thank you again!


You really ought to be clearer. It sounds like you re loading a webpage containing a Flash plug-in and you want to know the URL of that resource. But I m not sure. If so, you want the WebResourceLoadDelegate, which will tell you what resources the webpage references, including the Flash file.



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How to get a flash url in a webpage using a webframe?

As we know , When we load frame from webpage of safari, we will invoke the delegate methods of webkit informal protocol(WebFrameLoadDelegate): webView:didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame: webView:...
